Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Acid Indigestion Diet How Can I Help My Indigestion?

How can i help my indigestion? - acid indigestion diet

In only 17 years old and have digestive problems almost every night. No matter what I eat seems to be there. Before going to the doctor, I wonder if theres no way to stop them. I worked my varied diet many many times and nothing. Even the tables in the fight against acid showing little effect. Each sugggestion?


Daisy. said...

Go to the documentation could be more than indigestion. However, Alka Seltzer does not work baking soda to the water, you eat smaller meals, avoid spicy and acidic foods. Good luck, I feel the pain!

Daisy. said...

Go to the documentation could be more than indigestion. However, Alka Seltzer does not work baking soda to the water, you eat smaller meals, avoid spicy and acidic foods. Good luck, I feel the pain!

Daisy. said...

Go to the documentation could be more than indigestion. However, Alka Seltzer does not work baking soda to the water, you eat smaller meals, avoid spicy and acidic foods. Good luck, I feel the pain!

Daisy. said...

Go to the documentation could be more than indigestion. However, Alka Seltzer does not work baking soda to the water, you eat smaller meals, avoid spicy and acidic foods. Good luck, I feel the pain!

Tay :) said...

You may have to start drinking more water!

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